For the staff at GM Gymsports, teaching gymnastics is not just another job; it is an opportunity to instil a love of physical activity in our next generation.
With a focus on Physical Literacy, classes focus on the physical, social and emotional development of children.
Split in junior and senior primary school, programs are created to tailor to each gymnasts strengths, while developing new and exciting skills.
Through jumping, swinging, spinning and rolling, your child will learn essential movement skills to ​prepare them for future success.
Classes run for 45 minutes and includes a warm up and skill based activities and development.
GM Gymsport classes are located in Abraham Mott Hall, Millers Point.

Your little movers will be supervised by a qualified teacher as they complete their daily homework and then they can enjoy an afternoon of gymnastics!
How it will work
Children attending Fort Street can join the walking bus down to homework and gymnastics- simply provide an afternoon snack and we will do the rest!
Children will take part in 90mins of activity - 45min of homework club and 45min of gymnastics.
Participants can attend only homework or gym or enjoy the entire 90mins!
Skip the after school rush and relieve some of the family pressure!
Families are encouraged to pack an afternoon snack.
We are a nut aware zone.

Book your first class today!
GM Gymsport program GYM-MAN and Bounce Sports provide structured, gymnastics focused lessons as part of the school curriculum.
Schools can choose 30-40min programs that run from 5-10 weeks and all equipment is provided and set up each week.
Lessons cater for students of different ages and abilities.
Programs cover the K-6 syllabus and are part of the National Sporting Schools program.